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Showing posts from 2013

Announcing the Location of the 2014 Midwest Lotus User Group Conference (MWLUG)

If you are not planning to go or not go to IBM Connect this year, there is going to be two great LUGs within the United States, one of which is MWLUG 2014.  As was announced at MWLUG 2013, the location for MWLUG 2014 is Grand Rapids, Michigan.  MWLUG 2014 will be the sixth conference that we have organized, thanks to an army of organizers, speakers, and volunteers from IBM Business Partners, IBM Customers, and IBM staff. This is the third MWLUG that will be held is a grand historic and landmark hotel and close to the Amtrak station of that city. If you did not know, I am a big fan of rail travel.  In 2012 it was the historic William Penn Hotel.  In 2013 it was at the historic Crown Plaza Union Station Hotel. After months of negotiations, I am please to announce that the site for the 2014 Midwest Lotus User Group Conference will be t he Amway Grand Plaza on August 27-29, 2013. The Amway Grand Plaza was built in 1913 and in 1925 was rated as "One of the Ten Finest Hotels in A

GRANITE - December 9, 2013 Meeting Agenda

The agenda for the GRANITE December 9 meeting is all set.  Special thanks to all the speakers for help us out at the last minute.  The meeting will be held at the IBM Center in Downtown Chicago.  See everyone on next Monday. 08:30 - 09:00 AM Breakfast, refreshments, and networking. 09:00 AM - 09:15 AM Presentation:  What's New with IBM?  Update Presenter:  Luis Guirigay, IBM Collaboration Solutions Luis will provide the audience an update in on the up and coming IBM/Lotus events and what is new from IBM/Lotus. 9:15 AM - 10:30 AM Presentation: Social Selling in the Real World Presenter: John Head — Director of Enterprise Collaboration, PSC Group, LLC Social selling is the rage these days, but what does that really mean? This session is not about buzzwords or what’s new and cool, it’s about real-world practices of putting social selling to work. As a technology consultant who transitioned to sales 4 years ago, social selling tools and techniques made that change possible. C

db.FTSearch != Ubuntu Server

We ran into a db.FTSearch problem with a customer a few years ago.  Full indexed search failed on PDF and DOCX file attachments. For other attachments it worked fine. We were using Ubuntu 10.4 LTS.  Searching through we could only find a few references to db.FTsearch and Linux regarding these two file formats, but all the postings provided no resolution to the issue.  Fortunately, when we moved the database to production on a Windows server, the db.FTsearch for PDFs and DOCX files worked.  At that time, I thought it might have been our Linux server setup done incorrectly. We recently had the same problem again using a different and newer installation of Ubuntu, 12.04 LTS server.  Further research and many attempts in changing configuration file did not help.  So we switch the server to CentOS as suggested by Bill Malchisky. Using the installation instructions and videos on Youtube from Devin Olsen, we installed CentOS 6.4 and now db.FTSearch works with PDFs and DOCX files.

MWLUG 2013 Wrap Up

MWLUG 2013 has come and gone. It was one of the best MWLUG conferences that we ever had. Josh Bleill and Scott Souder were great presenting at the OGS and if you missed Darren Duke's presentation, you missed one of the highlights of MWLUG 2013. The food was great and the Grand Hall where the OGS, exhibitor showcase, and food was served was unbelievable. If you missed Catherine Emert's assorted cookies that she brought to MWLUG 2013 at the   Prominic.NET  booth , then you must wait another year to experience that.  Some one whom know who you are, beat me to the chocolate ones. The Indy Speedway Museum and Tour was fun.  We had over two dozen participants . Thank you to all the great speakers who donated their time and resources to speak at MWLUG 2013. It is you who make the MWLUG one of the best collaboration conference around.  Thank you to all the incredible MWLUG 2013 Sponsors who make the entire conference possible.  Special thanks to Ray By

Next Stop: Indianapolis - MWLUG 2013

All packed for MWLUG.  Each year the planning for MWLUG gets more and more complex and stressful. But everything has come together.  For all who is attending, I guarantee you this will be three days of intense building of knowledge and relationships along with some fun activities. LUGs like MWLUG, IamLUG, UKLUG, and BLUG really show what social collaboration is.  It is the coming together of customers, IBM Partners and IBMers for the goal of growing our community and building of knowledge in the way that you normally only see in a open source environment. Beside having MWLUG in a different city each year which is a major challenge, we try to do something different from the previous years. Sometimes that work great like in MWLUG 2011's comedy club with the Fake "Ed Brill" and sometimes it becomes a total disaster like the "Engima Contest" from MWLUG 2012. Hopefully, this year we have another winner. So I will be taking the Amtrak train from Chicago to India

MWLUG 2013 Agenda App Now Available

It is two days before the start of the fifth Midwest Lotus User Group Conference.  The MWLUG 2013 Mobile Agenda App is now ready for download for iPhone and Android users. Special thanks to IBM Business Partner Salient Solutions for volunteering and developing the MWLUG 2013 Mobile Agenda App using their Mobilite solution.  For iPhone users you can download it using itunes. For Android users you can access the MWLUG Mobile App using Google Play Store. The registration process is the same across all platforms, and is just a single step for anyone Leave it on "Demo", and add your email address, tap "Register Account" and you're in. You will see the MWLUG as an app next to our other demos systems. Things you can do You can view the list of speakers and their bio's with picture (if provided). From the Speaker

MWLUG 2013 Update: Indianapolis Motor Speedway Hall of Fame Museum Tour - Wednesday August 21, 2013

Everything is finally set for the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Hall of Fame Museum and Track Bus Tour for MWLUG 2013 attendees. The cost for the event is $5 for the museum and $5 for the track tour.  However, since the Red Bull MotoGP is happening this weekend, we will need to wait until Tuesday, August 20, 2013 to determine if we will be able to get the track bus tour since they need to clean up everything.  We will be providing a bus from the hotel to the Indy Speedway Museum and back.  Depending on the number of attendees interested in attending this event, the bus may or may not need to make two trips.  The Indy Speedway is 5 miles away from the hotel.  The bus will be leaving the hotel at 10:00 AM and return back around 12:30 PM.  Please gather at the front lobby at 9:45 AM. For more information about the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Hall of Fame Museum go to:

Top Ten Reasons for Attending MWLUG 2013

MWLUG 2013 is almost upon us.  Starting next week close to 200 members of our IBM community will be descending the town of Indianapolis for knowledge, networking and beer.  Here is this year's Top 10 Reasons why you should join us.  There is still time to register for MWLUG 2013 and the hotel.  Number 10 Find out how many gray hairs Richard got planning MWLUG 2013  this year  Number 9 Find out how many kegs of beer MWLUG 2013 attendees can consume Number 8 See if you can get a one of Catherine Emert (Prominic.NET) famous chocolate cookies Number 7 Beer with friends 3 nights in a row! Number 6 Meet 200 people with similar passion Number 5 Learn how fast MWLUG 2013 Sponsors can speak at Speed Sponsoring Number 4 Learn the true meaning of the word "Social" Number 3 Meet the many IBM Champions and IBM Community contributors who have donated their time and resources to help educate our community. ( Make sure you buy them a beer.) Nu

MWLUG 2013 Charity Brewfest Competition Prize Is ...

Do you think you have created a great home brew or wine!!! Do you think your local micro-brewery beer is out of this world!!! Then bring them with you to MWLUG 2013 and lets find out. We are happy to announce the MWLUG 2013 Charity Brewfest Competition. It will be held on Wednesday August 21, 2013 4:00 PM just before the MWLUG Wednesday Exhibitor Showcase Reception. This competition is open for all attendees. We would like to thank our sponsor CDW for making this event possible . The winning prize for the MWLUG 2013 Charity Brewfest Competition will be a $100 Gift Card from the Northern Brewer HomeBrew Supply courtesy of Gregg Eldred. Ray Bylik and his panel of experienced judges will taste the different entries and select the winners of this competition. Gregg has selected some interesting prizes for this competition. In order to participate in this competition, the submission fee is $10 with all proceeds benefiting the  MWLUG Oklahoma Tornado Relief Fund . You can subm

Highlights of MWLUG 2013 Starting in 2 weeks

We are two weeks away from the start of MWLUG 2013. Here is an opportunity to get up and close to current and potential IBM collaboration customers, partners, and IBMers. This event has been made possible by all the hard work of volunteers in the IBM Community that include IBM customers, IBM Business Partners, and IBM Staff. All the speakers volunteer their time and resources to make this possible. The majority of the cost for MWLUG 2013 is made possible by the generous sponsors who not only provide money but also great technical expertise. Attendees to MWLUG 2013 receive a first-class conference for only an amazing $35 donation. To register go to: We have added more rooms at the Crowne Plaza Hotel - Union Station, so you can still register for the hotel at the discounted rate.  However, you need to contact the hotel by telephone (317) 631-2221 Here are the highlights of MWLUG 2013. Opening General Session Speakers

Announcing the MWLUG 2013 Thursday Evening Event

MWLUG 2013 Thursday Networking Event We are please to announce the MWLUG 2013 Thursday networking event will be held at the Rock Bottom Brewery in Downtown Indianapolis. After an intense day of listening to sessions at MWLUG 2013, take the opportunity to relax and enjoy many of the great things that Indianapolis has to offer while networking with your fellow IBM collaboration professionals. We will be providing drinks and snacks. Afterwards, visit the night life of downtown Indianapolis. This event is sponsored in part by our event sponsor  Mesa Technology . We are  2  weeks away from the fifth Midwest Lotus User Group Conference.  There is still time to register for this event . Discounted online hotel rooms are no longer available. However, you can still get the great discount by calling the hotel directly and using the discount code MWL (317) 631-2221. MWLUG 2013 Workshops The MWLUG 2013 workshops will start on Wednesday, August 21, 2013 in the afternoon. For admini

MWLUG 2013 Hotel Discount Extended to August 5, 2013 and More Rooms Added

I am happy to say that we have extended the Crowne Plaza Hotel - Indianapolis discount for MWLUG 2013 until August 5, 2013.  In addition, we have added more rooms to our MWLUG room block since we have exceed our room allocation.   So make sure you register soon for MWLUG 2013 and make your reservations at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. To registration for MWLUG 2013, go to To my your room reservation for MWLUG 2013 go to .

MWLUG 2013 - Crowne Plaza Hotel Online Hotel Discount Expires August 1, 2013

The MWLUG 2013 online guaranteed discount of $139 for a double at the Crowne Plaza Hotel - Downtown will expire on August 1, 2013.  Afterwards, you will have to call and see if there is available rooms.  So make sure you book your room before August 1, 2013.  We are four weeks away from the start of MWLUG 2013 so make sure you register as soon as your can.  We will be announcing the Thursday Evening Event next week. To register for MWLUG 2013, please go to our web site:

Announcing the MWLUG 2013 OGS Speaker, From the Indianapolis Colts ...

We are very please to announce the MWLUG 2013 Opening General Speaker will be former US Marine, Author, and Indianapolis Colts Community Spokeperson, Josh Bleill.   Josh the author of  One Step at a Time: A Young Marine's Story of Courage, Hope, and a New Life in the NFL present about building a Community. Along with Scott Souder our MWLUG 2013 IBM OGS speaker, Josh will deliver our Opening General Session. Special thanks to Sam Bridegroom one of our Indianapolis MWLUG team members for making this possible. Josh Bleill, Indianapolis Colts Community Spokesperson   Marine Corporal Josh Bleill [Bly-ul; rhymes with “Kyle” or “smile”] is a native of Greenfield, Indiana. After graduating high school, Josh attended Purdue University . Upon completion of his education, Josh decided to serve his country by joining the United States Marine Corps in 2004, and was activated for a tour of duty in Iraq in 2006. While serving in Iraq , Corporal Bleill was severely injured, resul

Announcing the MWLUG 2013 Sessions

We are please to post the sessions for MWLUG 2013.  We will be adding a few more sessions to this list as we get everything together for this conference.  MWLUG 2013 will have over 40+ sessions and workshops with a $35.00 donation.  For a list of the current MWLUG 2013 sessions go to: To register for MWLUG 2013 go to:

MWLUG 2013 Abstract Submission Closing on Friday June 14, 2013, 6:00 PM CST

Reminder to everyone who is thinking about submitting an abstract to MWLUG 2013, abstract submission will be closing this Friday, June 14, 2013 at 6:00 PM CST.  If you are new to the speaking at a conference, remember that our goal each year is to have up to 25% of the sessions be presented by new speakers.  Don't be shy, show us what you know.  MWLUG is all about the exchange of knowledge.  A number of first time speakers at MWLUG have now spoken at Lotusphere sorry IBM Connect. So here is your opportunity to present in front of your IBM community colleagues.  So get your submissions in by the end of this week!!!

The Last of Its Kind, Extinction in the Making

A few years ago at Lotusphere, I picked up a number of Lotus Software hats.  Just like the Lotus brand which is fading away into the sunset, all my Lotus Software hats have been lost or have been damaged.  My favor was the Lotus Domino 8 cap which was lost on a trip a few years ago.  Now I am down to my final Lotus Software hat.  I have decided to not wear it since it is the last of its kind and I will preserve it for the archive.  But as the Lotus brand is now extincted, so will everything associated with it.  Maybe in 30 years, I can go to the Antiques Roadshow and ask how much it is worth.  Maybe I can then finally retire from the proceeds of the sale.

Announcing MWLUG 2013 Charity Brewfest Competition and Event

Do you think you have created a great home brew or wine!!! Do you think your local micro-brewery beer is out of this world!!! Then bring them with you to MWLUG 2013 and lets find out. We are happy to announce the MWLUG 2013 Charity Brewfest Competition. It will be held on Wednesday August 21, 2013 before the MWLUG Wednesday Exhibitor Showcase Reception. This competition is open for all attendees. We would like to thank our sponsor CDW for making this event possible. Gregg Eldred and his panel of experienced judges will taste the different entries and select the winners of this competition. Gregg has selected some interesting prizes for this competition. In order to participate in this competition, the submission fee is $10 with all proceeds benefiting the MWLUG Oklahoma Tornado Relief Fund . You can submit as many entries as you would like.  For each entry, please bring at least two 12 ounce bottles.  All competitors will need to sign a waiver. All nationally distributed mi

Creating Twitter Bootstrap Widgets - Part IIIA - Using Dojo To Bring It Together

Creating Twitter Bootstrap Widgets - Part I - Anatomy of a Widget Creating Twitter Bootstrap Widgets - Part II - Let's Assemble Creating Twitter Bootstrap Widgets - Part IIIA - Using Dojo To Bring It Together Note:  With a customer deadline coming up and with all the work that MWLUG 2013 requires, I haven't had the time to devote to writing this series.  So I took most of today to complete this part. As I was writing this part of the series, I realized that I should talk about creating widgets using Dojo in general. So I split this part into part A and B because it was getting way too long. Welcome to part three of my five part series "Creating Twitter Bootstrap Widgets". In the first two parts, we talked about how Bootstrap widgets can be assembled using a consistent framework of standard HTML elements with CSS3 styling.  In part three, we will connect together our combo box widget using Dojo and make it functional.   As XPages developer you should be famili

Announcing MWLUG 2013 OGS Speaker - Scott Souder

I am happy to announce that the MWLUG 2013 IBM OGS Speaker is Scott Souder, Program Director, Messaging and Collaboration Solutions, IBM.  It is great to have Scott speak at MWLUG 2013 given his busy schedule.  We look forward to hearing Scott speak on the future direction of IBM Messaging and Collaboration solutions. Scott Souder is Program Director, Messaging and Collaboration Solutions, IBM.  Scott is responsible for the product and market strategy for IBM's messaging and collaboration products, including IBM Notes and Domino, iNotes and IBM Connections Mail.  Scott's focus is on extending and growing the success of these solutions through customer engagement, partner ecosystem development, and harnessing the breadth and depth of the IBM organization.  In his spare time, Scott enjoys being with family, flying airplanes, playing bluegrass music, and the amazing outdoors.

Registration for MWLUG 2013 is Now Opened.

Registration for MWLUG 2013 is now opened.  We have expanded MWLUG 2013 to almost three full days this year with events starting on Wednesday morning.  We will have three special events, two workshops plus the evening reception on Wednesday.  As usually, we will have two full days of sessions on Thursday and Friday along with other events. In addition, on Tuesday just before MWLUG, TLCC will be offering a XPages TackItOn session for attendees that are interesting XPages training. We have some unique and fun surprises installed this year.  I am always thinking of interesting events. So look forward to announcements coming in the next few weeks as we get closer to MWLUG 2013. For more information go to . MWLUG 2013 is make possible by the generous support of our great IBM Business Partner community.  Our current MWLUG 2013 sponsors are: Corporate Sponsor BCC Gold Sponsor CDW Panagenda PSC Group Silver Sponsor Instant Technologies NotesC

Creating Twitter Bootstrap Widgets - Part II - Let's Assemble

Creating Twitter Bootstrap Widgets - Part I - Anatomy of a Widget Creating Twitter Bootstrap Widgets - Part II - Let's Assemble Creating Twitter Bootstrap Widgets - Part IIIA - Using Dojo To Bring It Together This is two part of my five part series "Creating Twitter Bootstrap Widgets".   As I mentioned in part one of this series, Twitter Bootstrap widgets are built from a collection standard HTML elements, styled, and programmed to function as a single unit. The goal of this series is to teach you how to create a Bootstrap widget that utilizes the Bootstrap CSS and Dojo. The use of Dojo with Bootstrap is very limited with the exception of Kevin Armstrong who did an incredible job with his Dojo Bootstrap, Our example is a combo box that we are building to replace the standard Bootstrap combo box. In part one, we built a widget that looks like a combo box but did not have a drop down menu associated with it to allow the user to make a select

MWLUG 2013 is Now Open for Abstract Submission

This year MWLUG celebrates it  5th  anniversary in providing our IBM community a first-class conference to network and share our knowledge in collaboration technology. This year, MWLUG will be held in the heart of downtown Indianapolis, Indiana at the Crowne Plaza Hotel - Union Station. We invite you to submit your MWLUG 2013 presentation abstract(s) for an opportunity to speak at MWLUG 2013. MWLUG 2013 provides you as a speaker a unique opportunity to share your knowledge of collaboration technology with our vase IBM community. Each year, we combine outstanding technical sessions with fun activities and networking events to help grow our vibrant community. As always our sessions include not only IBM related topics, but sessions on topics that helps you grow as an IT professional. MWLUG 2013 will include over 40 technical sessions, workshops, and events. Topics for MWUG 2013 include: Administration Application Development Best Practices and Customer Business Cases Mobility

What I did for the Past 5 Months - Becareful When You Are Volunteered

Right after MWLUG 2012 last year, my son volunteered me to participate with him on his Science Olympiad quest.  I figure it would not take too much time.  As a kid, I was involved with Science Fair competition for many years.  However, it seems things have changed.  I discovered that I was volunteered for the Mission Possible competition.  I was a bit surprised on the tasks that were required.  So over the next five months I had to build a Rube Goldberg machine that had 10 to 13 tasks.  In order to complete this machine, I would have had a machine shop at home.  Everyone has a machine shop don't they.  With no machine shop, I had to improvise with what tools I had.  Many many nights were spent in 20 degrees or less weather milling, sanding, cutting, and grinding wood and metal to make this machine.  Did I mentioned, that I do not have a heated garage nor is it attached. So after many competitions and modifications we were successful in winning Gold in the Regional Competition.  I