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Showing posts from June, 2015

Announcing the MWLUG 2015 Guest OGS Speaker

Each year at the annual MWLUG conference we focus on a theme. This year the theme is "Transforming Collaboration Through Innovation." Design creates innovation by forcing changes on how we perceive and think. Design controls how effective we communicate to users. IBM have been focused on bringing design innovations to products like IBM Verse. We are so fortunate this year to have Phil Gilbert from IBM Design speak about the importance of design for software followed by Kramer Reeves discussing innovations that IBM have been focused on with IBM Verse. For the seventh annual MWLUG conference Phil and Kramer will be lead by one of the most dynamic speakers that our MWLUG committee has ever known about image and design. We are happy to announce that the MWLUG 2015 OGS Guest Speaker is artist and educator Katherine Rhodes Fields. Katherine Rhodes Fields Katherine is an internationally recognized graphic arts educator and contemporary artist whose print work was recently

Announcing the IBM OGS Speakers for MWLUG 2015

We are please to announce that we have two great IBM Opening General Session speakers for MWLUG 2015.  The two IBM OGS speakers are Phil Gilbert from IBM Design and Kramer Reeves from IBM Collaboration Solutions.  Along with our guest speaker, Phil and Kramer will be opening the seventh annual Midwest Lotus User Group Conference  in Atlanta, Georgia at the Ritz-Carlton, Atlanta - Downtown, August 19-21, 2015. We are two months away from this incredible conference so get registered and learn why our theme for MWLUG 2015 "Transforming Collaboration Through Innovation" holds so true and is everywhere. We will be announcing the MWLUG 2015 Guest OGS Speaker next week.    Phil Gilbert General Manager of IBM Design As General Manager of IBM Design, Phil Gilbert sets the strategy for and leads the transformation of product design at IBM. IBM Design is focused on three things: recruiting & retaining top designers, scaling the consistent practic

MWLUG 2015 Sessions Now Online

We are pleased to announce that sessions for MWLUG 2015 are now online on our web site. For MWLUG 2015 we will have close to 50 business and technical sessions making this the largest and most comprehensive conference that we have ever had. We have over two dozen IBM Champion speakers sharing with you their knowledge and skills. In addition, we have a number of first time speakers and customers sharing their experience with you. First sessions will start on Wednesday afternoon, August 19th.   That is $1 per session.  How can you beat that and it includes food and entertainment.  So register. MWLUG 2015 marks our 7th conference and will be held at the Ritz-Carlton, Downtown - Atlanta Georgia, August 19-21, 2015. MWLUG 2015 is the premier IBM user group conference dedicated to collaboration technologies.   MWLUG 2015 provides you the IBM professional the opportunity to learn, network, and contribute to our great community whi

Help Protect Child Information Privacy by helping Phora Group become a Chase Mission Main Street Grant Recipient!

As advocates of child privacy, we ask everyone in the ICS community to help us.  We are applying for 2015 Chase Mission Main Street grant and we need your vote.  As many of your know, our iPhora Touch technology is based on XWork /Domino and we would like to bring this technology to K-8 schools and ensure that students and teacher information is not be recorded and create iPhora Touch for Education.   Please read below the description on what we are doing.  Unfortunately, you need a Facebook account in order to vote, but every vote counts.  Let's help protect our kids privacy.   There are many cloud-based social collaboration products that offer free services to schools for teachers and students to use in their classrooms. The age-old adage "nothing is free" really does apply in this situation. Many of these "free" services come at the cost of privacy. Information that is shared and exchanged between students and teachers is collected and  aggregated fo