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Showing posts from September, 2011

MWLUG 2012 Date Announcement

Based on the survey that we took, the date for the Midwest Lotus User Group Conference 2012 will be August 15-17, 2012 in Pittsburgh, PA. Thanks everyone for participating in the survey. And hope to see everyone in Pittsburgh. Our team in Pittsburgh is already working on the planning process.

Presenting the MWLUG 2011 Team

Organizing and running a conference like MWLUG is all about having the right team of volunteers. I put an enormous amount of time this year into MWLUG, but without the MWLUG 2011 volunteers it would not be possible. A number of other volunteers were not able to make it do to conflicts in their schedule. Where was Mike McGarel, you missed the picture taking. Having collaboration tools like Skype, Dropbox, and LotusLive help a lot. Special thanks to Bernie Leung for organizing the new Social Business track and getting LinkedIn to present at the opening session, for hosting MWLUG and the XPages Design Contest, and the Dukes for bringing "This Week in Lotus" to MWLUG. Thanks everyone.