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Showing posts from December, 2010

2010 a Year of Milestones for ME

It is funny that Gregg Eldred is now getting solicitations from AARP since I have been getting them for the past two years. I was first offended, but unfortunately I have reach the age where I should expect this. This year has been full of milestones and I would say turning points in my life. First, I recently turned the big 5 0. Since most of my family live to the mid 90s to 100s, I guess my life on this earth is half over. Second, about every ten years since graduating college, I have shifted directions in what I do professionally. I was an electrical engineer for about 10 years, I did training sales for 10 years, and have done Lotus and business consulting services for about 10 years now. From what I see happening in the Lotus world compared to the rest of the industry, I see myself slowly making a new shift. What that is, I do not know? I still see Lotus in the picture, but the environment is so fluid. So this coming Lotusphere 2011 will be interesting for me. I am hoping

End of Year Cleaning: Workplace CDs Place Where it Belongs

It is the end of the year and I was cleaning my desk and I found Lotus Domino's worst nightmare, CDs for Lotus Workplace. I thought I got ridden of all my Workplace CDs but they seem to keep showing up. Kind of like how Workplace is showing up in Domino. I made sure I got ridden of ALL of them this time. Crushed them into little pieces. Hopefully never to be seen again, but some how I have a feeling that is not going to happen given the direction of Domino.

New GRANITE LUG Leadership

After 3 years as President and 2 years as Vice President of GRANITE, I am happy to announce that we have elected a new president and vice president for GRANITE. Bernie Leung from Mesa Technologies will be the new President and Mike McGarel from Czarnowski will be the new Vice President. Congratulations to both of them. They will definitely provide new ideas and direction for GRANITE. I will still be an active participant at GRANITE, but this will give me more time to focus on the Midwest Lotus User Group Conference in which the next one will be in Milwaukee, WI in late August 2011.

Why Business Partners CAN NOT sign up for three day pass at Lotusphere 2011

I was in the process of signing up for Lotusphere 2011. Since I didn't plan to go to the Wednesday party nor Thursday I thought I would sign up for the three day conference badge which is $200 cheaper. I was surprise to find out that as an IBM Business Partner we are not allowed to sign up for the three day pass. It sounds like IBM squeezing money out of the partners again.