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Showing posts from November, 2015

Our Adventures into Creating a Secure MVC Framework - Part 3 - Experimentation

Now that we have defined our design requirements, we needed to determine the tools and approach that we would use to create our framework. We had created previous versions of iPhora Touch using Dojo and wanted to start from scratch on what tools we would use to create our framework. Everyone that I talked to asked me why I was using Dojo since it is big and slow.  So we started looking at different options.  Do we take one of the existing more bare bones MVC framework like Backbone and take components from them to create our framework or do we start totally from scratch using JavaScript or jQuery. There are so many frameworks out there it is amazing. You can find many examples of MVC frameworks in action at It was very difficult reading up on each framework, understanding them, and experimenting with them to see if they would work for us. Since we were already familiar with Dojo, we decide to start from there.  We found a couple of articles and frameworks that others h

Our Adventures into Creating a Secure MVC Framework - Part 2 - Design Requirements

When we created iPhora Touch version 2, it was a multiple page application that utilized Dojo 1.53 and Bootstrap 2.32.  The interface worked well on desktops but broke down when used on tablets. It was totally unusable in a phone environment.  Since it was a multiple page solution each page needed to reload Dojo as you jump from page to page. Since we wanted a secured environment, pages could not be cached. However, this slowed down the loading and response of each page.  Since we were using Dojo 1.53 at the time we did not benefit from any form of AMD. iPhora Touch V2 Community Home Page We wanted to redesign the interface to work well with mobile devices and desktops, have better performance, but at the same time to be a secured environment. Though our iPhora Touch solution is a social community-based solution, we designed it to be a closed environment by default and it is assumed that you are not allowed access to anything, which is contrary to how most social collaborati

Our Adventures into Creating a Secure MVC Framework - Part 1 - Introduction

As I was writing this series, it cause me to rethink some approaches and redesign part of our MVC framework. Therefore, it took me a bit longer to start this series than I thought. But here goes. Introduction The concept of Model-View-Controller MVC can be implemented in two ways, using a server-side component framework that generates the Web application interface/view or as a JavaScript framework that gets data from the server and generates the Web application interface/view . In this series, we will be discussing how we created and implemented a JavaScript MVC framework. If you a Java developer and would like to implement a server-side MVC framework, Vaadin is a good server-side MVC framework to look into.  For developers in the XPages community, Ulrich Krause and Paul Withers has been blogging about Vaadin. Each approach has its advantages and which approach you use is based on your development skills, tools, and architecture of your web application. If you are a XPages deve