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Showing posts from March, 2018

IBM Think and Beyond and More

I originally did not plan to go to IBM Think 2018. However, at the last minute I decided to go and I am glad that I went. Though my heart is in the ICS collaboration space, I spent the majority of my time attending sessions related to IoT, GDPR, Watson, and security. This is our focus with our IBM Domino-based iPhora platform. I attended all the Domino sessions of course. I am excited and energized by the renew focus on Domino with the IBM/HCL partnership and all the new capabilities that Domino has always had. It is the best application platform around. Regardless of what other vendors say, there is nothing like it. With the new capabilities coming with Domino v10 and beyond, my head in spinning with numerous product ideas some of which are coming out sooner than you Think. The User Community Day was great. It allowed me to not only see everyone in the ICS community, but also other non-ICS champions and users. I had a chance to talk to others that I would probably not have done

Domino in Action - Domino V10 - iPhora Touch

With the announcement of IBM Domino V10 and all of its new capabilities and power, we at Phora Group are excited about all the new possibilities that its has to offer for our iPhora family of products. At IBM Think, all the IBM Domino session have been packed.  On the show floor Think Tank session there was over 400 attendee just in one session. Even without all the new features of IBM Domino V10, we have one of the most powerful application platform on the market.  So here is a quick video of what we have created with IBM Domino for the past 5 years.  Secure collaboration sharing platform and business process management. So only your imagination limits you with what you can do with IBM Domino.