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Showing posts from January, 2010

Planet Lotus is Down: I am disconnected

Planet Lotus went down yesterday and it is going to take sometimes to come back up. I hope everything was backed up because Planet Lotus has become a great technical resource that I search for answers very often. I can get answers to my questions sometimes better than anywhere else. I hope it comes back online soon. I feel so disconnected to the Lotus community.

Lotusphere 2010: Lotus User Group BOF

Yesterday, I attended the BOF session on Lotus user groups. I am glad that the interest for Lotus user groups is growing. As the president of the GRANITE user group, I know how hard it is to run a user group. From what I heard, IBM is attempting to be more active and provide help for Lotus user groups. We are fortunate here in Chicago that we have a great IBM team that helps us in our meetings that we have every other month. For the MWLUG conference last year they played an important role in making that happen. Hats off to the IBM team in Chicago and the Midwest sales reps. Reach out to the IBM sales and technical sales rep. Business Partners play a key role in the success of a Lotus user group. However, it is important that the creation of a user group involve multiple BPs so that it is viewed not a benefit to only one BP. Sometimes this worries Lotus customers. Many in the BOF were interested in restarting or starting a Lotus user group. There are many of us who are passionat

Lotusphere 2010: MWLUG Tuesday Dinner

We had a great time at the ESPN Club at the Boardwalk which included the consumption of many beers. We met at the Rotunda in the Dolphin and went over to the ESPN Club while some met us there. I blame Jim Anderson from EasySoftware for my headache.

Lotusphere 2010: Sorry, but I am a Carnivore

No more hot breakfasts at Lotusphere only continental breakfasts. After three days of pastries and bagles I could not take it anymore. So I went to McDonald's this morning. I needed the fats after standing at the booth for two days. The breakfast at McDonald's was healthier compared to the pastries.

Lotusphere 2010: ReCor Announces Extended IBM Business Partner Referral Program

From January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010, ReCor is offering to registered and qualified IBM Business Partners, a 20% referral fee on referrals of qualified ReCor training products to their customers that result in a sale. This program is designed to help IBM Business Partners generate additional revenue by recommending ReCor training solutions to their customers. By providing training during the migration or deployment process, you help your customers maximize the return on their investment in Lotus technologies. For more information about ReCor products visit our web site at For more information about the Extended IBM Business Partner Referral Program please contact Richard Moy at (847) 424-8700 x 229 or email him at This offer is not valid for referrals of Lotus customers that have purchased products from ReCor with the past two years or who are currently under the ReCor maintenance/upgrade program.

Lotusphere 2010: BB Day Disappointment

Twice I tried getting into the competitive session on Microsoft SharePoint and twice the session was full. You would think that with the push by Microsoft on SharePoint 2010 that they would have a larger room. I was told that the slides will not be available. It would be nice if they have this session in the future either as a special session at Lotusphere Comes to You for Business Partners or have it in a business session at one of the IBM Centers.

New Year, New ReCor Web Site, New ReCor Lotus Notes 8.51 Training

It is a new year and ReCor have just completed their new web site. Take a look. Along with the new web site, ReCor has just released the updated new Lotus Notes 8.51 training courses that include training for: - Notes 8.51 Standard client - Notes 8.51 Basic client - iNotes 8.51 client If you are going to Lotusphere, visit their booth, #704. In addition to the interactive simulations that they have had for many years in their courses, they now have started to include interactive videos into their products.

Lotusphere 2010: MWLUG Tuesday Dinner

So whether you participated or not at the MWLUG conference or you arr part of the seven Lotus users groups that make up MWLUG come join us for the MWLUG Get Together at Lotushpere 2010. We will be meeting on Tuesday, January 19, 2009 at 7:00 PM at the Dolphin Rotudon. Look for me and the MWLUG banner. We will then go to the ESPN Zone for dinner. We had a very nice time last year. If you are coming, please let me know by sending an email to