The great guys at Sitepen have created a series of new Dojo tutorials. They are available at . As a Domino developer starting or already developing in XPages it is important that you understand Dojo. You will need it to create things that you will not get with XPages. Also by knowing Dojo you are not tied to the Domino platform and gives you additional skills that you can use on other platforms.
Creating Twitter Bootstrap Widgets - Part I - Anatomy of a Widget Creating Twitter Bootstrap Widgets - Part II - Let's Assemble Creating Twitter Bootstrap Widgets - Part IIIA - Using Dojo To Bring It Together This is two part of my five part series "Creating Twitter Bootstrap Widgets". As I mentioned in part one of this series, Twitter Bootstrap widgets are built from a collection standard HTML elements, styled, and programmed to function as a single unit. The goal of this series is to teach you how to create a Bootstrap widget that utilizes the Bootstrap CSS and Dojo. The use of Dojo with Bootstrap is very limited with the exception of Kevin Armstrong who did an incredible job with his Dojo Bootstrap, Our example is a combo box that we are building to replace the standard Bootstrap combo box. In part one, we built a widget that looks like a combo box but did not have a drop down menu associated with it to allow the user to make a select...
Url I am using:
It seems that the link got wiped out when I published it.
In regards to the Google Reader, I tested it out and you are correct. I have no idea why it is doing that. I apologize if you were offended in anyway. I scanned the site and there is not mention of the word "Pankaj" I am wondering if this is an issue with Google. I am investigating this and trying to determine the cause.
Some damn person hijacked my feed. I am resetting it right now. Thanks for letting me know.