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HCL workshops coming to CollabSphere 2022

As part of CollabSphere 2022, on Tuesday October 18, 2022. HCL will be running three virtual workshops the day before CollabSphere starts. Each workshop will be 4 hours long with breaks and be limited to 12 attendees only. You will be able to sign up for the workshops as part of the CollabSphere 2022 registration process which start next Monday, August 15, 2022. You will be placed on a waiting list if the workshop is full. Below is a list of workshops that will be provided by HCL Digital Solutions Academy:

Tuesday - 10/18/2022 - Morning
Deploying HCL Sametime Premium 12 on Kubernetes
We'll cover setting up your own Kubernetes cluster and deploying Sametime Premium, which includes chat and meeting components. In addition to this, we'll use the time to cover network architecture, configurations, best practices, and troubleshooting.

Tuesday - 10/18/2022 - Morning
HCL Volt MX Development Jumpstart - Domino Developers Edition!
Are you a Domino Developer looking to understand how your skills can be used with HCL Volt MX? If so, the HCL Volt MX Development Jumpstart for Domino Developers Workshop is for you! Attend this class to get your very first MX application up and running.
  • Learn to integrate HCL Volt MX with a Domino back-end database
  • Develop a Photo Blog Mobile & Web Application from scratch
  • Download reusable assets to get you started quickly with development

Tuesday - 10/18/2022 - Afternoon
Deploying HCL Domino on Kubernetes
Wondering how to install and configure your Domino server on Kubernetes? Are you looking to learn how Domino can help your organization in their Cloud Native objectives? Or do you just want to know what namespaces, pods, and containers are or why you should care? If you answered Yes to any of these questions, this workshop is for you! After attending this session, you will be familiar with the fundamental aspects of Kubernetes as well as everything it takes to run not one but multiple Domino servers in a Kubernetes cluster.


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