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Fall 2015 GRANITE LUG Meeting, December 2, 2015

Fall 2015 GRANITE LUG Meeting

December 2, 2015
IBM Center
Downtown Chicago
Room 6601

Come join us for the fall 2015 GRANITE Lotus User Group meeting.  We have a packed day of presentations for administrators, developers and managers.
Breakfast and lunch will be generously provided by Ytria, Inc.

To register for this event go to:

For community members that can not attend in person, Ytria has set up a web broadcast for this event.

8:30 AM - 09:00 AM
Breakfast and Networking

ben9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Mastering Your Logs, Everything You Should Know about Logging in IBM Domino
Presenter: Benedek Menesi, Head of Product, Ytria Inc.
Domino Properly logging and monitoring what happens in your Domino environment is critically important for both security and performance. In order to get the most out of your log data when things go wrong, it’s vital to understand its structure, how and what is (or isn’t) logged, and how to search logs effectively. In this in-depth session we will talk about the inner workings of various Domino logging mechanisms by dissecting the structure of log event documents such as Miscellaneous, Replication, Usage Session, User Activity etc. You’ll learn how to deal with verbose logging, retention best practices, monitoring bottlenecks, as well as behind-the-scenes data such as status codes and how to best use them. After this presentation you will walk away with a solid understanding of your log architecture, the means to set up notifications for when things go wrong and faster ways to find what you’re looking for.

10:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Mike10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Building on Properties
Presenter: Mike McGarel, Collaborative Solutions Developer, Czarnowski Display Services, Inc.
The custom property can be a simple yet powerful tool for both your UI and data needs. Properties can contain a variety of objects, from strings to Java beans. This presentation will demo practical examples of custom properties in two design elements, the custom control and the XPage.

11:15 AM - 11:30 AM

ben11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Hands on with Ytria's administration & development tools: understanding your logs, documents, replication, designs, etc. 
Presenter: Benedek Menesi, Head of Product, Ytria Inc.
As a company that has been developing software tools to help IBM Domino Administrators and Developers for over 15 years, we continue to talk to hundreds of customers and assist them with tackling interesting, tedious, and annoying problems every week. During this BYOP session (Bring Your Own Problem), you're welcome to share your own dilemmas as we dive straight into a troublesome live environment to find, understand, and resolve the toughest problems Notes professionals face on a daily basis.  We'll make use of the Ytria tools to get a quicker (and better) understanding of Log.nsf, identify and fix inconsistent replicas, discover and patch security holes, analyze application usage, documents and more. 

12:30 PM - 01:00 PM
Come join us for our stuff pizza lunch and networking with other community members.

01:00 PM - 02:00 PM
Creating a Secure MVC Framework
Presenter: Richard Moy, Managing Director, Phora Group
There are many popular open source MVC frameworks available for developers including Angular, Backbone, Ember, and React. These frameworks make it easy for developers to quickly create dynamic web applications.  However, what do you when these solutions do not meet your needs? You create your own framework. Join Richard for this enlightening presentation on their trials and tribulations in creating their own secure MVC framework.  Richard will describe their experiences, the issues and pitfalls that they encountered and what to avoid.


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