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Wow, Didn't See this Coming

Over the past couple of days I have been trying to trace a bug in my code without any resolution, until today. Wasted days of precious time. I trace down the issue and discovered it was the result of another odd behavior of Lotus Notes. I do not know if this applies to other versions of Lotus Notes, but I can guess it does. In the Lotuscript database class, NotesDatabase, the property Notesdatabase.Server is used often. It should return the server name in the following format:


This is fine, but if you get the same property in a dialog box, you WILL NOT get the same format. Instead the format is:


So when I was parsing the server name I would get different results causing a chain of errors that resulted in hours of time tracing the error in code that has been working for years. What a pain. As we push Notes and Domino more and more into a new level, we are finding more and more things to watch out for.


Very strange, never had a problem with this. But a tip: don't parse, use NotesName:

Dim servername As NotesName
Dim currentserver As String

Set servername=New NotesName(db.server)

Hope this helps.
Anonymous said…

Seems like you handle the server name like a string. Why not create a Notesname instead and handle the server name in proper way?

Brgds Jesper Kiaer
Anonymous said…

Seems like you handle the server name like a string. Why not create a Notesname instead and handle the server name in proper way?

Brgds Jesper Kiaer
Theo and Jesper,

Thanks. For some reason that never cross my mind. That works.

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