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Showing posts from September, 2015

Our Adventures into Creating a Secure MVC Framework - Prologue

Now that MWLUG 2015 is history and MWLUG 2016 is in the planning stage, I can now start writing a series that I have wanted to do for awhile about creating a MVC framework. This will a multi-part series on my adventure into creating my own MVC framework.  I will be talking about MVC in the generic sense and it will include MV* of all types. Creating your own MVC framework? Am I out of my mind? Why in the world would you do that you may ask. There are so many popular and great MVC frameworks available including Angular, Backbone, Ember, React, and etc. Well, SECURITY, SECURITY, SECURITY. When we rolled out iPhora Touch v2 just before MWLUG 2014, the feedback for the interface was lukewarm at best, it was slow since the page had to be refreshed each time and it did not work well on tablets and other devices.  Though we were using Bootstrap the interface it just would not respond the way that we wanted. So after MWLUG 2014, I set out to figure out a way to improve the d...

Get Ready for Another Great ESS aka ICS aka Lotus User Group Conference, ICONUK 2015

If you have not registered for ICONUK 2015, there is still time.  It is coming up next week, September 21-22nd at the IBM Client Centre at IBM South Bank. Tim Clark has done an amazing job in pulling this conference together.  ICONUK 2015 has over 40 incredible sessions. If you missed MWLUG 2015, here is your opportunity to attend some of the best sessions for a small donation of 50 pounds to The Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity . To register go to: