I finally had time to play with Nathan Freeman's embedded frameset technique that he posted on his blog awhile back. He has on his web site his Sesame Street demo that he created. It is a really cool idea that he came up with. So I thought I could expand on this technique and demonstrate how you could use this technique to embed a web page within a Lotus Notes document. I thought a good demo would be embedding Google Map onto a Lotus Notes document. This would be great to have in something like a contact management system. Rather than having it pop up in a new Lotus Notes window, you could have the Google Map appear inside the document. Using the technique that Alan Lepofsky mentioned on his blog, google mapping technique , you can combine the two techniques to create an embed Google Map. Since Google Map does not look too good in a small embedded window, I created it as a pop up window within the document using layers. I have included the code for this in the sample database...
My personal stuff and my interest in Business Processes Automation and Management, Data Security, No-code/Low-code and User Experience.